What Type of Heating System Should You Install? Read This to Know

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Each heating system comes with its benefits and shortcomings. In fact, there is no one-size-fits-all option when it comes to heating solutions. Instead, a heating system is only suitable for your home or business if it meets your needs and preferences. So, when installing a heating system, first consider what you want to achieve with it. Below are some common systems to choose from.   

Electric Heating Systems 

These are the best options if you do not have access to or do not want to use fuel oil, natural gas, or propane gas. Furthermore, most homes using this heating solution have heaters controlled by a thermostat. The disadvantage of this source of heating is its higher cost compared to other sources. They are ideal for individual homes and disconnected shops because they will be cheaper to install than central heating systems.  

Forced Air Systems 

Most residential homes, retail stores, and even large commercial buildings use the forced air heating system. It is also referred to as a central heating system. This HVAC solution uses a furnace that heats and blows air to different locations in homes and shops in a building through vents and registers. A forced air system is a great option if you have access to fuel. You can use natural gas, electricity, propane gas, or oil. It is also ideal for commercial buildings containing many retail shops. That's because you will not need to install a separate system for each shop.  

Steam Radiant Heating Systems

These are ideal for homes and buildings that use boilers. Steam from the boiler exchanges heat with water and circulates it in rooms using pipes. The heated water then supplies heat in the living spaces. Heat is conducted from the water tubes to the walls and then moves throughout the entire area through radiation. Although you can use a steam radiant heating system in your home, it is best for industrial settings with massive heating needs.  

Geothermal Systems

These systems are more costly to set up than conventional heating systems. Heated steam from ground wells supplies heat by heating water and air in the building. Geothermal heating systems are preferable for vast commercial and industrial applications. Though they have a high installation cost, they are the most energy-efficient system than the other alternatives.  

These heating systems are ideal for different settings and offer varied benefits. If you are unsure of the system to install, consult an experienced HVAC contractor for professional advice.  
