Dealing With Common Problems of Your Ducted Air Conditioning System
Ducted systems are some of the most reliable heating and air conditioning systems that you will want installed in your house. However, with their reliability and high performance, these systems often are affected by a variety of problems. Perhaps you have noticed that the temperatures in your house are unusual or your energy bills have been increasing considerably. A faulty duct system could be the reason behind this and it's therefore important to know the problems that may be affecting your system so that you find the remedies as soon as possible. Here are problems you should walk out for.
Loose Grills and Registers
Poorly sealed or loose grills and registers at the duct connection can allow air to escape the ducts before reaching your home. The result of this is a ducted system that's working harder to counterbalance the lost air, which in turn leads to increased energy bills. Therefore, check the grills and ensure they are sealed properly.
Closed Dampers
Your ducted system uses zone dampers to control the flow of air into your home. For them to work effectively, they should be fully open. Closed zone dampers will restrict flow of air in the affected duct, leading to air problems in your home. Closed zone dampers can easily be close manually.
Damaged Plastic Air Ducts
Flexible plastic air ducts are some of the features that you will also want to have on your ducted system. These ducts are insulated and are often installed in the attic. If these ducts are worn out or damaged, they will restrict the flow of air to your house. Therefore, check them periodically to ensure that your plastic ducts are not damaged or worn out.
Leaking Ductwork
Leaks will reduce the amount of air that's flowing through your air ducts into your house. Reduced amount of air into your house will lead to reduced energy efficiency, which means increased energy bills. In addition, if your ductwork is leaking, the quality of air inside your home can be affected because these leaking points will act as an avenue for pollutants to find their way into your home.
Using a flashlight, you can look down your ducts for any cracks, openings, or loose seams. If you have flexible ducts, such as the plastic ones, then you may have to check periodically for these leaking points because such ducts are prone to these problems. To handle a leaking ductwork, you can replace the ducts or have the old duct tape replaced.